Saturday, February 14, 2015

Aham Brahmasmi

The divinity in you - II

Aham Brahmasmi...
I believe , not from my mere learning of the scriptures neither from  the numeous texts and speeches of the spiritual masters whom I have come across the last one decade , the seers , the energy trappers who call themselves as Amma, Appa, Baba's ans Swamis ... but from my life  experiences , that the PURPOSE of life is to truly understand and experience the DIVINITY in us and not to endorse anyone else's out of sheer desperation and underestimate our powers.  Yes.. Truly It IS. We are divine. We are immensely potential . We are limitless. We are governed by our own freewill which we should learn to exercise as per the principles of living as envisaged by our religion. By principles , I mean right living, right thoughts and right purpose . I mean the fullest effort to bring in the Mind-Body-Spirit balance.
Set the Goal. Work towards it every moment . As Ashtavakra says beautifully - "Layam Vraja" - DISSOLVE in what you do. BE in the moment. Become what you do. And there.. you have started your engine of manifestation.  Fly with your wings towards abundance. Its there - the Universe is full of that.  Synchronise with the vibrations of the Universe . It will guide you. Just believe that  the divine in you is a part of the whole. There is no change in the molecular structure  of the element called Divinity. Its an ENERGY.  Simply believe in it.
Now, Isn' t it simple?  Do we need complicated language to lead us to ' there'  where we want to see us? Do we need a Godman to tell us what' s in him is not in us but he / she will  " mould " something out of us?  My loved ones, we are already THERE.
We do not need to spend our financial energy for this. Close your eyes , and pray sincerely that right now, at this moment, your good thoughts for that little child crying in hunger will bring a good human next to the child and feed his hunger. It WILL happen. That's your fee . That  thought  , which makes your 'energy' meter by one point more , by which you have enhanced your cosmic account by a little more, will guide your freewill.. Will make you manifest what you want. This is just one of the lives we have .. We have died million times. We are going to die in this life also. Aim for the highest manifestation that you could ever want.  Believe the God in you.  Don't get desperate because that is when you stop believing in yourself and start endorsing other's divinity and ability to control your life.  And.. Miracles will become a part of your life. You surely DO NOT need Godmen & Godwomen to perform miracles in your life . YOU CAN DO IT.. Well  not until You Believe in your own Divinity.

Your calling

Your calling. . The purpose

If amidst all the tragedies you are facing now.. amidst all 'absence of love ' you are facing now.. if against all the odds you still feel Hope, thats where lies the proof that you are here for a purpose. That small flickering hope need not be the hope of  overnight transformation of your adversities into opportunities. . Your absence of love into an ocean of love. Its just that nagging yet happy feeling that makes you hear a voice from somewhere " you got miles to go sweetheart.. this ain't your journey".. thats the HOPE. Its that which makes you blind to your glaring  realities though momentarily..
And if you have it. .  Then I promise you '- you are here for a purpose - a higher purpose. Hold on.. for one more day.. Everyday.

I am the Moment

I am the Moment

What is it that we want to know about ourselves ?  Is it How permanent we are ? Is it  what will happen to us after some point in time ? Is it the unquenched thirst to  know our true REALITY ?
Let me tell you - Our TRUE reality is that WE ARE "NOW". We are the Time & space that exists at all points in  a grand weave. This moment is US. Do we need so many learnings ? Were we not happy not even chanting a hymn  but simply BE in the moment a few decades ago - playing roman rings with ropes tied to the  mango tree?  When did this all stop ? When the first FEAR struck us . The first FEAR that immobilised us. Had we not even recognised the fear , we would have won from day 1.  We succumbed to the first fear . The FEAR was that we might lose something - a person / a comfortable circumstance / thing , etc etc. And then FEAR took over . Our BEING in the moment stopped.  I have a simple explanation for Dark & Light . When FEAR rules us, Darkness takes control. When we Rule the fear, the Light takes charge. Life is as simple as that.  Fear of the unknown is what makes us go to miracle doers and seers .  I do not think we go  in our quest for true knowledge . Because , when you are truly in quest for true knowledge, it COMES to you. You do NOT have to GO to anybody. Actually " seeking" is  the disguise for our actual " seeking solution to the unknown fear".
Here are the takeaways..
Start looking at every moment as a moment of "fearlessness". Until the moment you fell   off the staircase, did  you ever have a fear that you might fall ? No - it was an accident. It was a future that you never ‘thought of’. You were in a state of 'fearlessness' of a fracture happening until the moment it happened. Now , reverse it - We are in a state of Fear of future - what might happen . It could quite NOT happen at all - the event that  you think that might happen in future . You never know about it . Be fearless about not just your thoughts, but also about anyone who thinks negatively. That might not happen also . Dont give importance to the thought. The only solution to this is to STOP all the quest and start BEing in the Moment . This MOMENT is us.. This MOMENT is the truth that you always wanted to know . Nothing Else. Be in the Moment - you will manifest all from the abundance around you.
Here is  the  next learning - GOING WITH THE FLOW - without resisting . When we master this , then there is going to be Nothing for us to resist because the current will favour us .Will it give us the Money that we want to manifest  or the   million dollar job ?  YES .. and this is the ONLY   secret to manifest . The goal - the Number - is already there in your mind. You have already written in the cosmos. When you are in the MOMENT - without resisting - your entire energy is conserved for creating your favourite reality . Because your mind has nothing BUT the million dollar job that you want.No doubts.. No fears..  And it happens .

Dont do anything because if you didnt do it , you will feel guilty . Dont do it because you want something else in return . Do because You LOVE to do it.  Don’t do that job you hate to  because your family depended on it. Do it because you LOVE to see your family happy. You will stop hating your job.
The Greatest TRUTHs are the SIMPLEST  -  Love & The Moment. Nothing more & beyond..